
Wireshark usb driver
Wireshark usb driver

In theory, the vUSB Analyzer captures and represents the transactions using USB Request Blocks (URBs), the typical unit of communication used by USB drivers. With the transactions represented in a powerful visualization format ,this can compliment the Wireshark USB protocol analyzers

wireshark usb driver

The examples in the post shows how the vUSBAnalyzer formats the usbmon raw data logs and generate the transaction timeline view making it one of the must to have performance analysis tools for the embedded Linux system developers involved with with USB protocols. Though the vUSBAnalyzer official documentation explain well the tool usage to analyze the USB transactions, the examples are focused on analyzing the logs capturing the the USB transaction in the VMWare environment tend to hide its capability to work with logs as captured by usbmon ,that aides in capturing USB block info in embedded systems.

wireshark usb driver

This post shares usage of the vUSBAnalyzer tool in analyzing the performance issues suspected with remote device screen updates happening over the bulk data transfer endpoint connections of the USB serial bus interface.

Wireshark usb driver